Ways to Improve Code Quality

25 Mar 2023  Amiya pattanaik  5 mins read.

Code quality refers to how well-written and maintainable software code is. It involves factors such as readability, efficiency, scalability, reliability, maintainability and security. High code quality ensures that software is easy to understand, modify and extend, has fewer bugs and is less likely to break down. It also reduces development time and costs and improves the overall user experience. One common approach to determine code quality is to use automated tools that analyze the code based on predefined quality gates and generate a report with a score against each category.

Why Code Quality Matters ?

The code quality is important, as it impacts the overall software quality. And quality impacts how safe, secure, and reliable your codebase is. High quality is critical for many development teams today. And it’s especially important for those developing safety-critical systems. For example when developers write low-quality code, it can create vulnerabilities that expose the software to cybersecurity threats, resulting in bugs and functionality issues and impacting the software’s reliability.

Here are some additional reasons high-quality code is important:

Enhances code readability: Readability is important because it leads to higher rates of understanding among other developers. A code that’s easy to read is also easy to improve.

Improves the codebase sustainability: Codebase sustainability measures how long a code can survive with minimal changes. High-quality code can last for years, making it more sustainable.

Increases transferability: Transferring code from one platform to another is a complicated process. It’s much easier for developers to transfer high-quality code, as they only need to make minimal changes.

Lowers costs of software: When software lasts for a long time with few errors, it can save a company money. Instead of paying for additional time to rewrite low-quality code, the company can rely on the original, high-quality source code.

Ways to Improve Code Quality

  1. Follow Coding Conventions
  2. Quality Gates
  3. Use Automated Code Review Tools
  4. Write Smart Code Snippets
  5. Penetration testing

Follow Coding Conventions

Coding conventions are a set of guidelines and standards that outline how code should be written and formatted to promote consistency and readability. They typically cover aspects such as naming conventions for variables, functions, and classes, code structure, Indentation and formatting of code blocks, formatting, and documentation.

There are different coding conventions for each language so make sure to look for the one you need for your language. Some common conventions include:

Java: Google Java Style Guide

Javascript: Google JavaScript Style Guide

Python: PEP8 Style Guide

Quality Gates

Quality gates are a set of checkpoints or criteria that software must meet before it can progress to the next stage. They are typically set of processes to ensure that the software is of a certain quality and is ready for release. In order to move the software to the next stage the gating can include metrics such as minimum % of code coverage, code quality, functionality, performance and security.

By enforcing quality gates, development teams can catch and address issues earlier in the development process, which can reduce rework, save time and ensure that the final software product meets the required quality standards.

Use Automated Code Review Tools

Automated code review tools are tools that analyze your code for potential problems. They can be used to find bugs, style issues, and security vulnerabilities.

Using an automated code review tool can help improve your code quality by catching potential problems early on. This will save you time in the long run compared to normal code reviews, as you will not have to debug your code.

In addition, using an automated code review tool can help enforce coding standards and conventions, which will make your code more consistent and easier to read.

Write Smart Code Snippets

Smart code snippets, also known as intelligent code snippets or live templates, are pre-written code fragments that can be inserted into a code file with placeholders for variables or user-defined inputs. They are designed to help developers write code more efficiently and accurately by reducing the amount of repetitive or boilerplate code they need to write and by providing contextual awareness and intelligence.

Smart code snippets are very much different from the code snippets many developers are aware of. They are typically stored in a database contributed by users that are searchable.

Penetration testing

Every security system has flaws. The only way to keep them effective is with regular testing, monitoring, and patching.The main goal of a penetration test is to find the exploitable issues in an organization’s security controls, but it can also do quite a bit more in telling a company what they need to work on. Security professionals can use pen testing techniques to evaluate the overall effectiveness of security policies, their regulatory compliance, employees’ security awareness, and the company’s ability to respond to security incidents in real-time.

Penetration a fundamental necessity

Cyber attacks are on an exponential growth trend, meaning your organization is at a constantly increasing risk of becoming a victim of an attack. Waiting too long to secure your data could result in millions of dollars worth of damages, repairs, and loss. If you can’t remember the last penetration test your system underwent, you are long overdue. Being proactive is the best way to stay ahead of the fluidity of the cyber threat landscape.

There are many tools for automated penetration testing available such as:

  1. Web Application Assessment Proxies
  2. Port Scanners
  3. Application Scanners
  4. Vulnerability Scanners

Tools to consider

  1. SonarQube
  2. Fortify on Demand
  3. GitHub Code Review


These five lesser-known ways to improve code quality discussed in this article offer a starting point for teams looking to take a fresh perspective on their development process. Improving code quality is critical for the success of any software development project.

I hope you found these tips helpful! Thank you for reading.

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Amiya Pattanaik
Amiya Pattanaik

Amiya is a Product Engineering Director focus on Product Development, Quality Engineering & User Experience. He writes his experiences here.